
Showing posts from March, 2018


                 RE-DEFINING LEARNING SPACE Traditional idea of learning space limit the definition to the physical classroom with an arranged  tables and chairs and a teacher/instructor standing close to a chalkboard or marker board with stock of all knowledge and with students in class being "tabular razor" and passive. This concept of learning space narrows the definition to physical structures such as the physical classroom, library, faculty office, cafe and workshops where formal learning takes place.    The new concept of learning space represent significant opportunity for higher education. Technology has made learning spaces potential to serve new learning paradigm. With technology education, learning today is not limited by time and space. Therefore, the definition of learning space has become broader and much more inclusive. The physical classroom is no more the primary locus for learning in education.Technology has changed learning space. According to Brown

Gamification or game based e-learning

   I am conducting research on how the game-based e-learning can help in the teaching and learning processes in our developing countries such like Ghana. Per my information, gamification is an approach to motivate students to learn by using video game design and game elements in learning environment.    The goal is to maximize enjoyment and engagement through capturing the interest of learners, and, inspiring them to continue learning.    I sincerely need contribution that will help develop a comprehensive research findings that will come as an addition to what I already know. Thanks