Gamification or game based e-learning

   I am conducting research on how the game-based e-learning can help in the teaching and learning processes in our developing countries such like Ghana. Per my information, gamification is an approach to motivate students to learn by using video game design and game elements in learning environment.
   The goal is to maximize enjoyment and engagement through capturing the interest of learners, and, inspiring them to continue learning.
   I sincerely need contribution that will help develop a comprehensive research findings that will come as an addition to what I already know.


  1. You have very great idea Kossi I think gamification though could be adopted at any level in education it mostly applied here in Ghana at the basic especially pre-school level and so visiting a nursery school in your area, observing and interviewing the pre-school teachers will be of help.

  2. Young children like playing games a lot and any device or medium that will enable them to do that whiles at the same time doing meaningful learning through critical thinking and problem solving skills will keep them stack to their seats and eager to play more. This will help make our lessons intresting and attractive to these young ones.

  3. As much as children need games to learn, is not every game that is useful and advisable be for children to be introduce to or exposed to.. In designing or selecting your games for teaching you should be mindful of the future of the children.


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