In your view, at which level of our educational ladder can we apply the game-based teaching and learning methodology in Ghana? Should we begin at the Basic? Secondary? or Tertiary institutions?


  1. Game-based learning if I get it right means that learning activities are planned with the incorporation of some games that stimulates the students engagement on the lesson and motivates them to continue to learn. If this is the case then I dare say that game-based learning should not be limited to a particular level of education . The teacher or instructional designer's role is key in achieving this goal. the instructional designer must adequately combine technology with content for the level of education that is being considered. He should match the technology with the content to be delivered such that the students don't end up focusing their attention on only the technology. This for me is paramount and can be done for each level because you will not achieve the desired results if you use a game meant for basic level in a tertiary lesson plan and vice versa. The students will either be distracted or disinterested in the lesson.


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